Blog number four. Today's theme is 'A change is as good as a rest'
Did you know that working in a new
environment triggers your creativity and you generally get more work
done? Or that a change of scene can temporarily ease depression or
feelings of 'stuckness?' Isn't that amazing? I used to think that
familiarity was best, but now I'm learning the joy (and benefits) of
a change of scene, even a very subtle change like working or studying
in a favourite coffee shop or cosy corner of a pub as opposed to at
home (if that's where you normally work).
I'm also constantly amazed how a small
change of scene will usually trigger completely different thought
patterns, perspectives and feelings. There have been times when I've
been at home with negative thoughts associated with a tricky
situation, and rather than staying physically stuck, I've moved my
body somewhere new (generally with a nicer view, outside, and where
I've been able to 'people watch') and watched an almost supernatural
process unfold where my brain seems to be taken out of itself and
allowed to think more creatively and positively!
Life Coach Tony Robbins has often
talked about the importance of being aware of our physiology,
especially whilst feeling low or negative. We tend to slump, fold
inwards, close off our body language. The act of remaining physically
'open' allows for more effective breathing and flow throughout our
bodies, enabling us to function properly in all respects.
Depression feeds on itself in a kind of
vicious cycle, where we feel awful, so we reflect that by curling up,
breathing more shallowly whilst anxious (which doesn't allow oxygen
to the brain, hence strengthening the anxious feelings). We also tend
to become immobile, exacerbating things further. We get physically
paralysed and thus paralyse our progress.
When I learned the power of a small
amount of physical exercise whilst feeling blue, the changes were
quite incredible (I have suffered from depression on and off since
the age of 10, so I am very aware of every aspect of this nasty condition).
So the next time you feel stuck, try a
change of scene, even a small one. Try moving, looking at something different, finding an inspiring or funny video to watch. You'll be amazed at the positive
changes it can help create. No bad mood stays the same forever.
If you're indoors, and the weather is
okay (or even if it's not) go outdoors. Watch nature. Have a change of scene. Drink
your usual coffee elsewhere. Take a book or some work with you.
I'm currently writing this blog
upstairs on my bed, instead of downstairs in the lounge!
Try it and see. Happy transformation...
Love always,
Karen xx
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