Dear Fear: Blog Number 6
I read a fascinating article in a
Sunday magazine by a lady called Carolyn Jess-Cooke, who's a renowned
author, who has used writing as a therapeutic tool to deal with
lifelong anxiety and depression, following a traumatic childhood. It
really shouted out to me, inspired and moved me. I read it at just
the right time, as I was dealing with changes and fear in my life and
getting back into writing again as a way of expressing myself. I
could really relate to her feelings and her confusion. I too had a
difficult childhood and teen years which included almost constant
terror of my father, a feeling he didn't love me (in fact he was
incapable of loving anyone, and certainly not himself), and a feeling I
somehow wasn't real, wasn't valid, wasn't worth anything.
It left a legacy of depression and
anxiety for me also, of huge self doubt at times, and very low moods.
Of relationships with emotionally unavailable men; liars, sociopaths,
or just insecure and uncertain of themselves. The couple of men who
probably did really love me, well, it was hard for me to believe,
plus they weren't strong enough men for me to be able to surrender my
fear of trusting and feel truly cared for unconditionally.
Back to Carolyn and the idea she showed
me; she advised writing a letter to a strong emotion you're feeling.
I loved this, it glowed like an inspirational light bulb for me.
Emotions are our friends; they need to be acknowledged and loved, but
not allowed to rule over us if they're not serving us well by holding
us back. So I sat down and I wrote to my old friend – Fear. I hope
you like, and maybe it will inspire you to express in some creative
way too.
Dear Fear...
I've had enough of your headfuckery
You isolate me and rob me of joy
Insert doubt and panic into my cells
You infect like a virus, like a disease
Infiltrating heart and soul
Getting into my bloodstream
Hijacking logic and reason
And what do I actually get out of your
Insomnia and bad dreams
Crippling terror and an ache in the gut
An inability to see beyond the fear
An inability to enjoy the moment
You descend upon me suddenly like a
A black cloak of doom
That's weighted and hard to shake
You whisper things like...
But what if..?
I'm just not good enough...
What will they think of me..?
Yet I understand
That you are trying to help me
Trying to keep me safe
But, like an overbearing mother
You are not helpful in the long run
You merely disable me
Clipping my wings
And stopping me from flying
I want to soar, soar high
Full of courage, joy and spirit
Goodbye Fear
You've done your job for now
Because right now,
It's time to live.
It's oddly intimate sharing poetry! Here's to personal courage...
Much love, always,
Karen xxx
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